星期四, 10月 28, 2010

Week 7: TCanvas


1. TCanvas

2. 範例程式


3. 作業: 請利用最近兩週所教的繪圖技巧, 製作一個繪圖應用程式
  繳交期限: Week 9, 週三, 晚上 12 點以前
  繳交部落格: Homework Show @ DMC

4. Partly Cloudy


星期四, 10月 21, 2010

星期四, 10月 14, 2010

Week 5: 多媒體製作

1. § 2.1.2 多媒體製作

  請同學搭配台藝大畢業製作 Out of Sight 官方網站製作過程 來閱讀課本本節的內容。


News: 台藝大動畫畢業作 11萬人爭看

日本雅虎點閱率冠軍 學者讚:台灣之光

【陳威廷、楊惠琪╱台北報導】甫自台灣藝術大學多媒體動畫藝術系畢業的虞雅婷、鍾玲、葉亞璇,畢業動畫作品《Out of Sight》(中文名稱為《敲敲》),上周五登上日本雅虎首頁,並高居日本雅虎「動畫網」點閱率第一名,吸引十一萬人次點閱。虞雅婷說:「很意外、很開心。」學者大讚這三名學生是「台灣之光」。




該片八月上傳 YouTube 影音網站(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qCbiCxBd2M),至今累計近三十九萬人次點閱,上月初被轉貼到日本雅虎「動畫網」(http://videotopics.yahoo.co.jp/videolist/official/anime/pcaaadfdb9994fd77cffa7c8af4440deb) 後,上周五登上日本雅虎首頁,並居動畫網點閱人次第一名,吸引十一萬人次爭睹。網友 ishiblack 說:「台灣就是需要更多這種能扣人心弦的作品。」日本網友 0319hal 則直呼:「感動」。


星期四, 10月 07, 2010

Week 4: HTML, XML, 3D 動畫



3. 什麼是動畫? 什麼是 3D 動畫?

4. C++ Builder 程式實作


星期六, 10月 02, 2010

Chromium: WebP, a new image format for the Web

by Richard Rabbat, Thursday, September 30, 2010
[Original Link]

As part of Google's initiative to make the web faster, over the past few months we have released a number of tools to help site owners speed up their websites. We launched the Page Speed Firefox extension to evaluate the performance of web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them, we introduced the Speed Tracer Chrome extension to help identify and fix performance problems in web applications, and we released a set of closure tools to help build rich web applications with fully optimized JavaScript code. While these tools have been incredibly successful in helping developers optimize their sites, as we’ve evaluated our progress, we continue to notice a single component of web pages is consistently responsible for the majority of the latency on pages across the web: images.

Most of the common image formats on the web today were established over a decade ago and are based on technology from around that time. Some engineers at Google decided to figure out if there was a way to further compress lossy images like JPEG to make them load faster, while still preserving quality and resolution. As part of this effort, we are releasing a developer preview of a new image format, WebP, that promises to significantly reduce the byte size of photos on the web, allowing web sites to load faster than before.

Images and photos make up about 65% of the bytes transmitted per web page today. They can significantly slow down a user’s web experience, especially on bandwidth-constrained networks such as a mobile network. Images on the web consist primarily of lossy formats such as JPEG, and to a lesser extent lossless formats such as PNG and GIF. Our team focused on improving compression of the lossy images, which constitute the larger percentage of images on the web today.

To improve on the compression that JPEG provides, we used an image compressor based on the VP8 codec that Google open-sourced in May 2010. We applied the techniques from VP8 video intra frame coding to push the envelope in still image coding. We also adapted a very lightweight container based on RIFF. While this container format contributes a minimal overhead of only 20 bytes per image, it is extensible to allow authors to save meta-data they would like to store.

While the benefits of a VP8 based image format were clear in theory, we needed to test them in the real world. In order to gauge the effectiveness of our efforts, we randomly picked about 1,000,000 images from the web (mostly JPEGs and some PNGs and GIFs) and re-encoded them to WebP without perceptibly compromising visual quality. This resulted in an average 39% reduction in file size. We expect that developers will achieve in practice even better file size reduction with WebP when starting from an uncompressed image.

To help you assess WebP's performance with other formats, we have shared a selection of open-source and classic images along with file sizes so you can visually compare them on this site. We are also releasing a conversion tool that you can use to convert images to the WebP format. We're looking forward to working with the browser and web developer community on the WebP spec and on adding native support for WebP. While WebP images can't be viewed until browsers support the format, we are developing a patch for WebKit to provide native support for WebP in an upcoming release of Google Chrome. We plan to add support for a transparency layer, also known as alpha channel in a future update.

We're excited to hear feedback from the developer community on our discussion group, so download the conversion tool, try it out on your favorite set of images, and let us know what you think.

星期五, 10月 01, 2010

BNEXT: Google 發表影像壓縮新技術 取代過時的 JPEG

數位時代網站新聞精選 原始連結
撰文者: 戴佳慧 日期:2010/10/01

一向以完美網頁瀏覽體驗為己任的 Google 再出新招!今天 Google 在 Chromium 官方部落格上發表了一種全新影像格式 WebP,能大幅改善網頁圖檔的傳輸效能。經過 WebP 壓縮的影像,檔案大小比常見的 JPEG、GIF、PNG 格式平均減少了 39%,色調和色彩演繹相較之下也毫不遜色。

Chromium 部落格指出,今日的網頁傳輸有 65% 用在影像和照片下載。在行動網路和頻寬有限的情況下,使用者點開網頁之後,還要耐心等待圖片緩緩展開。為了提供使用者更順暢、更愉快的網頁瀏覽經驗,Google 利用全新壓縮技術 VP8 設計了一套新的影像壓縮格式 WebP,大幅減少圖檔大小,讓網頁下載更迅速。

VP8 原本是由美國上市科技公司 On2 所開發出來的視訊壓縮格式,Google 在今年年初收購了On2,接著在五月開放 VP8 技術原始碼。Google 看出 VP8 技術在圖像失真壓縮上也大有可為,足以取代過時的 JPEG、GIF 格式等早年研發成果,因此將 VP8 稍加改編之後推出了新的 WebP 影像格式。

Google 隨機在網路上找了一百萬張圖片作測試,比較 WebP 和傳統格式的壓縮效能和畫質,並分享了幾中幾張圖片讓網友們參考。Google 網站上也提供了轉換軟體,能夠將各種格式的圖片輕鬆轉換成 WebP 檔,歡迎網友們一同試用比較。