星期四, 10月 30, 2008

Week 8: 專題演講

講者: 瞿忠正 教授 (國立國防大學 中正理工學院 電機系)

題目: 淺談智慧型影像式偵測辨識系統之應用


星期四, 10月 23, 2008

Week 7: C++ Builder Programming - Basis of Image Processing

1. C++ Builder Programming - Basis of Image Processing
 a. 動態宣告二維陣列
 b. ProgressBar, Position, Max, Step, Step();
 c. Label, Caption, AnstString();
 d. 字串連接之運算 "+"
 e. ShowMessage("Hello!");
 f. RGB(23, 58, 77);
 g. Image1->Canvas->Pixels[j][i];

2. 下週課程內容為專家演講
地點: S516

講者: 瞿忠正 教授 (國立國防大學 中正理工學院 電機系)

題目: 淺談智慧型影像式偵測辨識系統之應用

教室出入口在講台兩側, 請勿遲到, 以免影響演講進行

Vote: Come With Music 原文報導之閱讀

上星期的課堂上, 我們位同學導讀了 Come With Music 講義的第一頁, 不知道同學覺不覺得故事本身相當精彩?

完全的原文資料, 沒有中譯本, 請問課堂結束後, 你會繼續把文章讀完嗎? 請同學踴躍投票吧!

星期四, 10月 16, 2008

Week 6: 數位音樂的最新發展

1. 完成 Week 5, 6 兩週的作業分享

2. 數位音樂的最新發展

  The Economist: Finland/World telecoms: Qualms with music

3. C++ Builder 程式教學:

本週沒有新進度, 不過同學可以嘗試自己練習把陣列中的色彩值用互補色取代, 然後將新的陣列放到另一張一樣大小的影像, 最後另存新檔。自己有嘗試練習過, 下週上課時, 就會得心應手, 事半功倍。

友善提醒: 下週上課前, 我們會先檢查同學寫的程式, 才會開始新的進度。沒有自己寫程式的同學, 我們會請你簽名, 扣總分10分, 無故沒來上課的同學視同沒有寫程式辦理。

4. 多閱讀吧, 同學們 !
 News: 芬蘭前教部次長南大演講 強調閱讀教育


星期三, 10月 15, 2008

The Economist: Finland/World telecoms: Qualms with music

From The Economist
Published: October 06, 2008

Cross-subsidised subscriptions offer a promising new model—if the sums add up.

IT IS a gift that keeps on giving—for a year, at least. Starting in Britain this month, buyers of some handsets made by Nokia will be able to download as much digital music as they like. The handsets, starting with a model costing £130 ($230), are bundled with a year's free online-music subscription, called "Comes With Music" (CWM), launched on October 2nd. You can download music, and listen to it, on both the handset and your PC. Once the subscription expires at the end of the year, you can still listen to the tracks.

Nokia's new handsets are sure to appear under many Christmas trees this year. The offer of unlimited downloads will appeal to teenagers; and parents will not have to worry about their children getting caught downloading music illegally, or spending a fortune at online music-stores. But CWM and similar subscription services are also being touted as a potentially life-saving gift to the ailing music industry. That is because they cleverly reconcile the demands of teenagers, who think music should be free, with those of record companies, which want to make money.

The world's biggest handset-maker has pulled this off by acting as a go-between: it licenses music from the four major labels and some independent record firms at a discount, tags some of the cost onto the device's purchasing price and absorbs the rest itself. Such a deal is made possible by a convergence of interests. Sales of digital music are growing, but not fast enough to offset falling sales of CDs, partly because of internet piracy (see chart). Record companies are realising that their efforts to get young music fans to pay up are not working. Many are unwilling, or unable, to pay for downloads, and legal action results in bad publicity. So something new is needed. Nokia, for its part, wants to move beyond hardware, and considers music a way to kick-start Ovi, its new initiative to offer a range of mobile-internet services.

Both camps also have a common interest in reining in Apple, the computer-maker that dominates digital music with its iTunes download service and iPod music-players. At the moment, record labels have to accept Apple's terms. A strong rival service from Nokia could strengthen their negotiating hand. As for Nokia, it hopes to catch up with iTunes and defend its core market against Apple's iPhone handset.

CWM is the most prominent example of a wider trend. Other companies have also started to combine their offerings with similar "all you can eat" music subscriptions. TDC, a Danish telecoms operator, has bundled such a service with its broadband connections. Orange, a European mobile operator, has launched Musique Max, which combines unlimited music downloads with a mobile-broadband service for €12 ($17) a month. And Sony Ericsson, another handset-maker, is planning to launch an unlimited music service called "PlayNow plus", which will be offered to consumers via mobile operators.

Will this new model work? For the record labels CWM is likely to be a good deal. If they receive, as some analysts have estimated, a total of €4 ($5.60) per handset per month (about half the cost of all-you-can-eat subscription services on the internet) and Nokia sells 5m CWM handsets, the additional income would add up to €240m ($338m)—equivalent to more than 1% of global recorded-music sales in 2007 and 12% of the digital business. The potential market is far bigger: last year Nokia sold 146m phones that can play music.

But Paul Jackson of Forrester, a market-research firm, worries that Nokia will end up overpaying. The firm has not released details of its agreement with the record companies, but it is said that they will receive a fixed fee per handset, have been guaranteed a large number of handset sales, and will receive additional fees once a subscriber exceeds a certain number of downloads. So the promise of "unlimited" music is actually subject to a "fair use" limit, beyond which access will be cut off.

The economics of CWM will become clearer when Nokia reveals what exactly will happen after the 12 months of free downloads are over. The company hopes that most owners will simply buy a new CWM handset, says Elizabeth Schimel, the head of Nokia's music business, since teenagers like to be seen with the latest model. (CWM could thus encourage people to upgrade their handsets more often than they otherwise would have.) But customers will also be offered the chance to switch to Ovi's paid-for music service.

The cost of that service will indicate the extent to which Nokia is underwriting the free CWM service. The level of subsidy will also determine how long CWM will remain in its current form. At the moment, Nokia's priority is to get Ovi off the ground. But over time, the firm's willingness to absorb some of the cost of a music subscription may well diminish, says Mark Mulligan of Jupiter, another market-research firm. Either the labels will have to make do with less, or other firms, such as the mobile operators, will have to pitch in. Consumers are unlikely to contribute much, simply because they will refuse to: take-up of subscription-based music services has been disappointing so far.

Even if the sums do add up, the new model may face other problems. To start with, the services will be available in only a few countries and will not compete directly: CWM in Britain (and, perhaps, India soon), Musique Max in France and PlayNow plus in Sweden. But as these services spread and start to compete, consumers may object to the fact that they are not compatible with each other. Next, record labels may have second thoughts about appearing to allow other firms to give away their wares—even if they are, in fact, paid for behind the scenes. Subsidised subscriptions will only strengthen the widely held belief that music should be free. "They are another step in the commoditisation of music," says David MacQueen of Strategy Analytics, a consultancy.

That said, unlimited music services could help to reduce piracy, by making it unnecessary. With services such as CWM, "the person with a hard-drive with 60,000 stolen files is all of a sudden deeply uncool, as other people have access to everything," says Rob Wells, a senior executive at Universal, the world's biggest record company and the label that is most keen on CWM. But they could also undermine people's willingness to pay for CDs and music downloads from iTunes and other online stores, as avid consumers of music switch to unlimited, free services instead.

"CWM is almost too good for its own good," says Jupiter's Mr Mulligan. The impact of such services is uncertain; there are many details still to be worked out; and even then they will not solve all of the industry's problems. But they are potentially a big step forward.

News: 蘋果新款 MacBook 今發表

蘋果新筆電 效能快六倍 千元有找

台灣醒報 2008/10/15 記者楊迺仁報導


蘋果台北時間今日凌晨一點,發表最新 MacBook 系列產品,MacBook Pro,採用一體成形鋁製外殼,顯示效能快六倍,陽春版售價更只要 999美元,是蘋果筆電首款低於一千美元的機種。但執行長賈柏斯發言時間大幅縮短,引發外界對賈柏斯健康的疑慮,蘋果股價更因此大跌 5.6%。蘋果執行長賈柏斯雖仍如往常,出現在蘋果產品發表會上,但已不像過去一樣,全程主導記者會的進行,被外界視為最可能成為接班人的營運長 Tim Cook,反而成為記者會上的焦點。 Tim Cook 指出,蘋果電腦過去四年的市佔率比市場平均值快,如美國零售市場市佔率已由個位數,增加到 17.6%。在主要大學市場,市佔率更由 15% 拉升到接近 50%。今年第一到第三季銷售量超過 700 萬台,已達到去年全年的銷售水準。 新款 MacBook Pro 的特色包括採用一體成形的鋁製外殼,雖然還無法變得跟 MacBook Air 這麼薄,但 0.95 吋的厚度,已是 MacBook 專業機種體積最小的機種。整合顯示晶片採用 Nvidia GeForce 9400M,效能效能快了六倍。 蘋果 MacBook Pro 15.4 吋機種售價為 1,999 美元及 2,499 美元,後者的 CPU 時脈更快,記憶體容量也多了兩倍。

蘋果宣布 入門等級筆電降價

中央社翻譯 路透加州古柏迪諾 14 日電

為因應全球經濟不景氣導致消費者支出更加精打細算,蘋果公司(Apple)今天宣布降低入門款式筆記型電腦價格至 999 美元,同時也推出一系列售價從 1299 美元起跳的鋁殼電腦。

不過,蘋果股價在那斯達克賣壓影響下今天最早卻跌了百分之 5,最後下跌幅度回到百分之 3,以106.99 美元收盤。自從上週蘋果邀請媒體記者參加筆記型電腦發表會之後,股價就持續走高,漲幅大約百分之 20。之前許多分析師則預測,蘋果入門款式筆記型電腦可能降價到 899 美元。

Piper Jaffray 分析師孟斯特(Gene Munster)指出:「以未來幾個月來看,對股價則是好事」。他表示,雖然價格不如原先華爾街預期的那麼低廉,但這些入門款式電腦看起來其實相當不錯。

低價筆電魅力難敵 蘋果新款 MacBook 今發表 售價 2 萬 5?

NOWNews 2008/10/14 10:56 記者蘇湘雲 台北報導

蘋果電腦公司今(14)日將在美國加州總部發表新款 MacBook,預料其中將有一款低價到 800 美元(約台幣 2 萬 5 千元)的 10.2 吋「低價」小筆電,是蘋果首款低於一千美元的產品。

小筆電 (Netbook) 的魅力,讓一向以造型設計取勝的 Apple 也難抵擋,雖然蘋果公司透過電子郵件寄發的邀請函中,僅有「焦點轉向筆記型電腦」一句話,不過,市場盛傳,蘋果將一改售價高不可攀的形象,首度推出一款「手頭緊也買得起」的機型,但是相對於其他家最高二萬元有找的小筆電而言,蘋果新款小筆電的報價仍是最高檔次的價位。

據傳,蘋果此次將發表 12 款新筆電,其中將有 13.3 吋及 14.1 吋兩款 MacBook 採用「BRICK」鋁製一體成型、雷射切割技術,被視為取代現行的 MackBook 系列的新一代產品,預估每月出貨量可達 40 至 50 萬台;在價格方面,最高的一款售價可達 3100 美元。

IDC 今年第二季全美 NB 市佔率數據顯市,蘋果電腦佔 8.1%,排名第三,落後於戴爾的 31.9% 及惠普的 24.9%,市場認為,其中有部份原因是蘋果走高價位、高品質路線所造成的結果,分析師指出,一旦蘋果 NB 從現在開始採低價策略,戴爾、惠普仍然勢必將有所因應。

蘋果旗下現有三款筆電,分別為 MacBook、MacBook Pro 及 MacBook Air;其中 MacBook Air 今年初上市,蘋果執行長喬布斯從牛皮紙袋拿出 MacBook Air 的開場,堪稱一絕,雖然銷售數量少,但卻帶起業界輕薄 NB 風潮。

星期三, 10月 08, 2008

Week 5: 數位音樂的發展

1. C++ Builder 程式設計
 a. 動態宣告二維陣列

2. 數位音樂的發展:

 a. 從成大 mp3 事件談起...

 b. Thoughts on Music, by Steve Jobs
 c. radiohead & prince

3. 微型部落格:
 a. twitter
 b. buboo
4. 空中英語教室

 Tell Us: podcast 意見調查
If the Studio Classroom English Chat Room was available as a podcast (播客), which of these would be your reaction?
 a. Great! I would subscribe to it and listen to it on my mp3 player
 b. I would not be interested
 c. What's a podcast?

星期一, 10月 06, 2008

Thoughts on Music, by Steve Jobs

Original Link

Steve Jobs
February 6, 2007

With the stunning global success of Apple’s iPod music player and iTunes online music store, some have called for Apple to “open” the digital rights management (DRM) system that Apple uses to protect its music against theft, so that music purchased from iTunes can be played on digital devices purchased from other companies, and protected music purchased from other online music stores can play on iPods. Let’s examine the current situation and how we got here, then look at three possible alternatives for the future.

To begin, it is useful to remember that all iPods play music that is free of any DRM and encoded in “open” licensable formats such as MP3 and AAC. iPod users can and do acquire their music from many sources, including CDs they own. Music on CDs can be easily imported into the freely-downloadable iTunes jukebox software which runs on both Macs and Windows PCs, and is automatically encoded into the open AAC or MP3 formats without any DRM. This music can be played on iPods or any other music players that play these open formats.

延伸閱讀: 蘋果 CEO 籲唱片界: 解放音樂 放棄 DRM 技術

Olds: Radiohead 新專輯 你決定價格

這不算新聞, 因為是去年今天的議題了....

 2007 年 10 月 06 日 新聞懶人包
 音樂新時代來臨? Radiohead 新專輯 你決定價格
 Thom Yorke performs with Radiohead
 at the Carling Apollo Hammersmith in London, England.
 Jo Hale / Getty Images
 睽違四年未發片的著名英國搖滾樂團「Radiohead」本周宣布,十日起網友可從網站(www.inrainbows.com)下載整張新專輯《In Rainbows》。除30元工本費,每首價格由你決定,不喜歡的甚至不必付費,這項創舉可能改變音樂工業的經濟架構。...

 1. Radiohead Says: Pay What You Want

 2. Why Prince's Free CD Ploy Worked
 The Daily Mail and the Prince DVD
 Paul Ellis / AFP / Getty

bnext: 雲端運算風暴來襲

不景氣的年代,企業如何節省成本、提升效率?雲端風暴是下一個你不能不知道的新概念。它背後潛藏的龐大商機,吸引 Google、微軟等大廠積極搶進;它所引發的強力風暴,更加速產業鏈的成形,讓企業減少資訊架構的投資,同時卻享有更強力的運算資源;它的巨大影響力,讓個人到企業均身陷其中。撰文=張玉琦






在不景氣的年代,使用雲端運算可直接幫企業節省成本、提升效率。根據 Gartner 研究指出,企業每 10 元的 IT 投資中,約有八元是用在既有系統的維修,而非更新升級,若能將企業內部的 IT 架構,交給雲端運算的服務供應商,就可把這 80% 的維護費用大幅降低,將資金投資在研發、行銷等企業更核心的領域。

雲端運算已經被視為繼 Web 2.0之後,下一波科技產業的重要商機。根據美林證券估計,未來五年全球雲端運算市場規模將達到九百五十億美元,占全世界軟體市場的 12%。Gartner 的報告則認為,至 2012 年有 80%《財星》五百大企業會使用各式不同的雲端運算服務。

雲端運算背後龐大的商機潛力,使 Google、微軟、Amazon、IBM、甲骨文(Oracle)、惠普、戴爾、昇陽(Sun)等各種科技大廠,都在今年大舉跨入雲端運算領域,搶占先機。

雲端運算在近來刮起大風暴,關鍵原因在於網路就像水、電一樣,是無所不在的生活必需品,不只有在書房、辦公室才需要。一方面,根據 Jupiter Research 估計,全球上網人口至 2011 年將達 20 億,另一方面,則是行動裝置快速成長,難以計數的可連網裝置從電腦、手機一直到汽車、家電甚至相機。使用者在電腦上的資料,也需要在手機上使用,最好的方式就是把資料放到網路上,上網就能取得,不用把同一份資料在不同上網工具中轉來轉去。

和 Web 2.0 類似的,雲端服務也是從消費者先行,再逐步發展出商業模式。許多人可能不知道,當你開啟 Gmail 帳戶、在 MSN 分享空間撰寫部落格、在 Flickr 分享照片的同時,你已經進入了雲端。資料的儲存與取得都透過網路來進行,消費者本身並不知道資料確實的所在地,也不負責軟硬體的更新,一切都由雲主動處理。

雲端運算不僅止給消費者使用,就企業端來說,電力、空間與資訊設備維修費用的高漲,加上對系統效率與效能的要求,是將企業推往雲端服務的主要因素。接下來的雲端服務就像電力一樣隨插即用。60 年代的大企業需要在工廠附近自備發電機,因為擔心公用電力不穩定。「現在大家對電力的信賴,未來也會成為對雲端服務的信賴,」Google 在台大力推動雲端計畫的軟體工程師葉平說。



積極推廣雲端服務的 Google,也是從消費者開始,逐漸往企業端發展。漸次成形的 Google Apps就是網路辦公室軟體,包括信箱、文件、投影片等。但 Google 並不因此而滿足,今年才上線的Google App Engine,更是一個網路平台,讓開發者可自行建立網路應用程式。

Google 之外,微軟是另外一家積極推動雲端運算的大廠。微軟的策略是軟體+服務,強調產品的彈性化。十月微軟將發表最新的消費者產品線 live 與企業版 Online 動態,打算針對每一種現有的軟體,發展出相應的雲端服務。

舉例來說,Exchange 就會有對應的 Exchange Online,CRM 軟體也會有 CRM Online。據美國《商業週刊》引用高盛調查指出,有 9% 的受訪者打算除了現有軟體,額外使用更多微軟的雲端服務。台灣微軟開發工具暨平台推廣處副總經理劉念臻說:「這就像交通工具的演進,不會因為有了飛機,大家都只坐飛機,而是依據不同的需求選擇。」

除了 Google 與微軟結合自己的優勢,提供軟體與網路平台作為雲端服務外,還有更多其他領域的廠商,透過網路提供運算資源。具體內容包括伺服器、網路連接點、線上儲存空間,適用於 IT 預算有限的中小企業,可因此享有與大企業同等的資訊架構,用戶取得服務如水、電、瓦斯般,用多少算多少。最著名的例子就是網路零售業龍頭亞馬遜的「亞馬遜網路服務」(Amazon Web Service),把自己架設好的 IT 架構與資源開放給其他公司。《經濟學人》指出,亞馬遜跨入雲端運算領域,有可能成為下一波網路龍頭。在基礎架構方面,IBM 也推出藍雲(Blue Cloud)計畫,建立大型商用數據中心,第一座在中國無錫。其他像是微軟、昇陽、惠普等也都有類似打算。


雲端的具體代表物,就是一望無際的大機房,難以計數的伺服器,需要更好的監控與調節系統,擁有相關技術的廠商也因而受惠。包含思科、VMware 與思杰(Citrix,剛購併 XenSource)等都備受矚目。思杰即將於十月發表的思杰雲中心(Citrix Cloud Center, C3),就是專為雲端服務供應商所打造,包含虛擬化平台以及穩定安全的基礎架構。思杰資深副總裁華森(Wes Wasson)表示,包括微軟、亞馬遜、Google 與S alesforce.com 等雲端服務的大廠,都是思杰的用戶。

中小企業極有可能是雲端服務的下一波受惠者。在預算不足的情況下,雲端可以有效降低成本與控管風險。思杰應用網路事業群產品行銷副總裁阿波爾(Sanjay Uppal)認為,最重要的是雲端運算的規模與彈性,因為它可大可小又依照用量收費,中小企業不會閒置資源,也不用預估開銷,還能夠享受規模經濟的利益。

雲端技術並非全無隱憂。AT&T 全球商業服務策略解決行銷副總裁偉曼(Joe Weinman)指出,目前雲和雲之間並無共同標準,也就是說企業用戶難以從一家服務供應商轉換到另外一家,降低了服務轉移的彈性。此外,雖然大廠商的穩定度高,但不管是亞馬遜或 Salesforce.com,都有過當機事件,造成企業用戶的營運風險,如何讓企業用戶放心把內部的資料放到雲上,所延伸的資安疑慮,則是雲端運算能否起飛的另一個關鍵原因。



1. 網格運算(Grid Computing)

2. 公用運算(Utility Computing)
 提倡一種理想的資訊架構,認為 IT 服務應該像水、電一樣透過公共服務提供。

3. 軟體即服務(Software as a Service)

4. 雲端運算(Cloud Computing)

星期四, 10月 02, 2008

Note: 學務處閱讀會活動

底下是我剛收到, 來自課外活動指導組的 email, 由於本課程有指定閱讀, 不知道有沒有同學想要組閱讀會, 向學校申請補助, 有興趣的同學可以私下和我連絡, 動作要快喔!



課外活動指導組 敬啟

News: DVD 拷貝爭議 RealNetworks 與片商對簿公堂

(路透洛杉磯 30 日電)

科技公司 RealNetworks 今天為了新產品,與多家大型電影公司對簿公堂。這項新產品允許消費者利用電腦拷貝DVDs,大型電影公司認為此舉違法。

RealNetworks 子公司 RealNetworks 家庭娛樂公司(RealNetworks Home Entertainment Inc)生產的新軟體產品 RealDVD,允許使用者將 DVD 內容拷貝到電腦內建硬碟或可攜式硬碟。

RealNetworks 表示,RealDVD 給消費者編輯電影或電視節目 DVD 的能力,就如同他們現在編輯音樂 CD 一樣, RealDVD 解決 DVD 遺失的問題,或處理刮傷或不能播放的碟片的能力。

RealNetworks 還表示,他們的產品允許消費者帶著電腦移動時,觀看 DVD。

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